
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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School Clubs

As a school, we try to offer a variety of after school clubs to allow children to experience new challenges and enjoy broadening their skills, participating in activities they have an interest in. To achieve this, we have both internally and externally managed clubs available. Internally managed clubs are generally free of charge, although donations may be requested if there is a large cost involved. Externally managed clubs require a professionally trained individual to attend the premises and therefore do tend to incur a cost which we attempt to keep as low as possible.




Term 1 2023-2024


Monday Mr Crosby Football
Monday lunch Mrs Ivory Art
Tuesday Lunch Mr Kingsnorth Gardening
Thursday Creepy ClawsCreepy Claws
FridayTeam ThemeFour Square 




Term 2 2023-2024 

Monday Mr Crosby Football
Monday Miss McKennaArts Club
Wednesday Lunch Mrs Auger TTS & AR
Thursday Miss HarlingArts and Crafts
Friday Team ThemeDodgeball

