
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Christian Distinctiveness

What is a Church School?


 The former Archbishop of Canterbury explains:


“A Christian school is one in which the atmosphere has that kind of openness about it, that sense that people are worth spending time with, that people need time to grow, need loving attention. The Christian Gospel says that every person has a unique task to do, with God, and for God, whether they know it or not. It doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone involved has to share the same theology or philosophy. It doesn’t mean that everyone knows that they have this relationship with God, and is consciously working at it. But a Christian school is one in which the entire atmosphere is pervaded by a conviction that there is something mysterious, and potentially wonderful in everybody.”


How do we fulfil the Church of England’s vision for education at Eastchurch?


At Eastchurch C of E Primary School, we are deeply Christian in character by living out our School Christian Values daily. Collective Worship is the ‘heartbeat’ of our school day, setting the tone for the behaviour and ethos of our school family. 


Our Christian values of forgiveness, honesty, respect, kindness, courage and love underpin and enhance everything we ALL do within the community and fellowship of our school.     

We are developing spiritual areas both inside and outside of the classrooms. The staff made a start in the summer and the children will be continuing to develop these over the coming months. Here are some pictures of the work so far.

At Eastchurch we are proud of our courageous advocacy.  We consider the wider world, through our 'big questions' that challenge us to question and reflect.  We think globally about life, disadvantage and deprivation through our curriculum and with a range of opportunities and charitable work.  


Look at some of the ways that we have helped each other and tried our best to live our school values this year. We consider our community, the needs of our neighbours and how we can support them as well as our wider national family with charities such as Children in Need and the British Legion. 

Recommended App - The Guardians of Ancora



This is a free app, run in conjunction with Scripture Union, which allows children (aimed at 8-11) to take part in a game-based Bible story quest. 


To find out more please follow this link: https://guardiansofancora.com/ 


Please find some inspirational bible quotes that will support and guide in anxious times. These are in the form of colourings that can be completed and displayed. If you colour one in,why not send a picture to the school email address and we can put some up on the website?



Many thanks to Rachel and the church for the following resources which you can do at home.

SPCK are sharing 'Bedtime Bible Stories' through Faith@home.



Please  find them at their Youtube channel here:

Prayer Spaces - Activities


Prayer Spaces have a variety of prayer activities you can use which can be accessed here:

The Digital Family Prayer Adventure Map




To find out more and find links for downloading this interactive prayer experience, then follow this link:


Prayers from the Church of England to say and share with children


The Eastchurch Way

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