At Eastchurch, our intent for mathematics is to teach a rich, balanced and progressive curriculum using maths to reason, problem solve and develop fluent conceptual understanding in each area. Our curriculum, following the White Rose scheme allows children to gain an understanding of the world around them by making connections between mathematics and everyday life, for example decimals and money.
Our policies, resources and schemes support our vision and clearly outline where maths can be incorporated across different curriculum areas. The structure of mathematics shows clear progression in line with age related expectations and teaching the curriculum content in blocks allows children to explore skills and knowledge in greater depth and gain a secure understanding of particular aspect. Key knowledge and skills are revisited allowing repetition to embed learning. A concrete, pictorial, abstract approach provides children with a clear structure in which they can develop their depth of understanding of mathematical concepts. We aim to ensure that mathematics is a high profile subject which children view with positivity and with a ‘I got this’ attitude.
Our curriculum is frequently reviewed to ensure that is it current and effective and teachers are supported and aided in their teaching of mathematics through appropriate CPD ensuring confidence in the skills and knowledge that they are required to teach. We strive to build upon our understanding of the expectations of the curriculum that our staff have. We achieve this through regular quality CPD which is provided through the subject leader, external courses, learning walks and collaborative lesson studies. All staff are encouraged to raise questions and seek guidance, reassurance or support if needed. This will ensure everyone is confident in what they teach. Good practice is always shared between staff and all CPD is used to inform teaching and learning across school. Resources and equipment will be audited regularly so that children have access to resources to support their learning. Our resources allow us to better use models and images to support learning in each area and enable the progression from concrete to pictorial to abstract. Children are familiar with these resources and can access them independently in all classrooms when needed. Curriculum maps are based on the White Rose yearly overviews which set the curriculum out in blocks enabling children to get to grips with different areas of maths through extended periods of time. Alongside the White Rose materials, we use other resources such as Flashback4, which allow children to recap skills from the week, the previous week, the previous unit as well as the previous year to ensure that our offer is rich and varied. We will also be introducing Maths Mastering Number in KS1 from September 2024.
Teachers also implement the schools agreed calculation policies for progression in written and mental calculations. Pre and post unit assessments from White Rose are used for each unit to show progress made as well as allow teachers to identify gaps to ensure an intervention for those that need it can be quickly and effectively put into place. These are completed appropriate along with termly assessments which help teachers to gather an understanding of their pupil’s existing and developing knowledge and skills. Correct mathematical vocabulary is used by all teachers and this is discussed with and explained to children who are then encouraged to use it independently when talking about maths. Vocabulary is displayed on working walls and is referred to in every lesson. Interventions for maths are in place for children with SEND; all other children receive regular group support as part of their maths lessons with further support for individuals or small groups where a need is identified. Fluency is developed through repeating, reinforcing and revising key skills; regular arithmetic and times table practice takes place in all classes. Children are given time to practice and perfect their calculation strategies including giving pupils the opportunity to make appropriate decisions when estimating, calculating and evaluating the effectiveness of their chosen methods. Feedback is given in a variety of ways to ensure pupils are well informed and making visible progress. Discussion is essential to learning and children are encouraged to discuss their thoughts, ideas and methods with a partner, group or the teacher. Developing our children’s reasoning and problem-solving skills remains one of our key focuses. Children work both collaboratively and independently when solving problems which require them to persevere and develop resilience to become life long learners and achieve to their full potential.
Long Term Plan
Key Instant Recall Facts - Objectives
Key Instant Recall Facts - Presentation
Useful websites to support your child's Maths learning in KS1 and KS2:
- BBC Bitesize - click here
- Purple Mash (logins in contact books or ask your teacher) - click here
- Education City (logins in contact books or ask your teacher) - click here
- NRICH website - click here
- Numbots/Times table rockstars - click here
- The Topmarks website ( has lots of useful games, which are engaging and free to use, for example, Hit the Button - click here.
- Crickweb KS1 (free online maths resources and games) - click here.
- Daily 10 game (also from Top Marks) - click here.
Additional Useful websites to support your child's Maths learning in KS2:
- A Maths Dictionary For Kids by Jenny Eather - click here.
- KS2 Maths BBC Bitesize - click here.
- Snappy Maths Snappy Maths (Free worksheets and interactive mathematics resources) - click here.
- Crickweb KS2 (free online maths resources and games) - click here.
- Maths Zone Cool Learning Games (Maths Games and Learning Activties for Fun) - click here.
- Maths is Fun - Interactive resources and games. - click here.
- I Love Maths Games (games, puzzles and tools) - click here.
Ideas to support your child's Maths learning in KS1:
- Practising Mental Maths when you are out and about
- Practising number bonds to 10 and 20 using every day objects such as pasta or pencils
- Practising 2, 5 and 10 times tables
- Using coins - play shops or go to the actual shops and pay for things themselves
- Telling the time on an analogue clock