
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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School Values

Our School Values




Our six Christian values have been chosen by pupils, staff and governors and are promoted across the whole school by all adults.  They have been linked to bible stories and PSHE themes and are used at the foundation of our Collective Worship teachings.  The values are also linked to the curriculum including R.E. and other subjects. 


Classes regularly take turns to lead whole school Collective Worship using the current value to base their presentation and prayers around. 


Pupils also take an active role in writing and leading prayers for our school, key stage and class Collective worship and their prayers reflect the values.      










Our School Story "Fishers of Men" (Luke 5:1-11) 


In this story, Jesus told some fishermen, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."  Jesus did not choose the fishermen based on the people they were, but what He could help them to become if they chose to follow in His footsteps. Our school provides a moral and spiritual framework based on Christian values, enabling all God’s children to flourish and develop confidence, resilience and perseverance to achieve their very best.

In the story all expectations are exceeded.  It tells of some experienced fishermen that had been fishing all night; they were exhausted and had empty nets. Jesus told one fisherman called Simon to cast his nets into the deep water where there shouldn’t be fish as they move to the shallows at night to avoid predators. The fishermen, knowing this, still had the faith to trust Jesus and cast their nets as he suggested. To their amazement they caught many fish and their nets were ready to burst! At Eastchurch, we empower our children and staff to always aim high, take risks and soar to success.

The children learn about the story of Jesus and the fisherman from the moment they enter the school in Little Owls nursery through to Year 6; with the miracle story being delivered through exciting lessons that develop and deepen  understanding of the story’s message; teaching them to have faith, reflect, question and give love and attention to their peers to become children ready for an exciting future.  Just like the fishermen, the children at Eastchurch C E P School learn that with faith they can achieve anything!! Through a rich curriculum that places creativity at the heart of learning, fostering curiosity, awe and wonder at God’s creation.

Our values are celebrated in our Values Worship on a Friday where children and adults can nominate each other for displaying one of our values. This is then recognised by them placing a ribbon onto the values wreath and a certificate.

