Inclusive, Invitational, Inspirational
Worship in our school is a journey. The school community come to worship daily and worship is one of the ways we explore and express our school vision in a unified and inclusive manner. It endeavours to be transformative where children leave the worship space refreshed and re-energised to be the best they can be, dream big and aim high. Collective worship includes religious, social, cultural, spiritual, and moral aspects.
Collective worship takes place in the school hall or the classroom, sometimes it takes place in the school’s outside areas and in church. Times of reflection and spirituality are not limited to these times and often occur across the life of the school. Children are encouraged to prepare the focus table with objects that reflect the value of the term or are of importance at that particular time. The focus table reflects the churches year through coloured cloths and stoles, while the candle reflects the Trinitarian nature of God.
Our pattern of worship is varied. However a typical collective worship will begin with a greeting which sets the intention or focus. Words or a story from The Bible will be read. Leading from this children are engaged to make the intention or focus ‘come alive’. For example through drama, dance, song, music, images, a visitor or poetry. Following this is the response, a time for prayer, reflection and time to offer our intentions. The sending out is a vital part of our worship and ensures the impact of the Collective Worship is carried forward into the working day of the school.
All members of the school community are encouraged to lead Collective Worship including staff, children, clergy and visitors.
Collective Worship draws on our school vision, the church seasons, the seasons of the school year, British values, the values led by the Diocese of Canterbury as well as responding to the life events of our school community and the wider world.
The children have had the opportunity to design a space they would like for quiet reflection or prayer. Here is the original designs and thoughts that we are beginning to create.
Our Local Church
Our Worship Team
The Worship Team has a representative from each class from year 2 to year 6. They start our whole school worship by lighting the candle and saying one of the following greetings.
Jesus said; I am the light of the world.
Follow me and you won’t be walking in the dark.
You will have the light that gives life.
Father God, thank you for the light that Jesus brings to us
and the light that we can pass on to others.
Good morning everyone (wait for response)
Welcome to our worship which today will be led by ......
At the end of the worship they thank everyone for sharing in the worship. They go on to say,
We will now leave and take the light of Jesus away with us.
Father God, thank you that even when we cannot see you, you are still with us.
May your invisible light shine brightly in and through us
wherever we go in our day ahead.
The worship team are able to lead in many aspects of the collective worship, both whole school and class worship. The older pupils are beginning to plan whole worship lessons, and take on increased responsibility for the planning of Worship.
The Worship Team are called the "Guiding Lights" to link to the whole school song "My Lighthouse".