Online Safety Zone
Online Safety (or e-Safety) is an important part of keeping children safe. Our pupils are taught how to stay safe and behave appropriately online but this approach is only successful if everyone works together and reinforces safe behaviour wherever children have online access.
Click on the links below for online safety tips to enable us all to make safer choices and provide support to our children.
Spotting Fake News Online It’s not always easy to tell whether something online is real or not, especially when it’s upsetting or worrying. But our tips can help you decide.
Parents Protect Online safety tips, videos and information about how to keep your child safe online
CEOP If you have a concern about your child's online safety this link will take you to Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP) to report a concern and/or find further guidance.
Digital Parenting Magazine A great resource for the whole family giving advice for all age groups.
NSPCC Netaware Guidance for parents on social networks used by children
These sites help us keep safe online:
Safer Internet Day
The theme for Safer Internet Day was Our Internet, Our Choice and was all about understanding consent in the digital world.
The children designed posters to highlight ways to keep themselves safe when using the internet.
Safer Internet Day Competition Posters