
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Friday 8th January 2021

Friday 8th January


Good Morning, its Friday! Yay, the weekend.


We made it to the end of week one of home learning January 2021. Well done to everyone that has been completing work and uploading it to DoJo, I am very proud of you! A big thank you to parents and carers too for supporting your child/ren and us too. It has been a big learning curve.


Today’s lessons will be English with GPS task and reading, Maths, History and Geography.


English – we will be carrying on with our book ‘The Viewer’ and we are going to look at what he has found and whether he should use it. We will be thinking about reasons for and against the decision. GPS focus will be time conjunctions (see beginning of English work) and reading will be to continue with the next part of reading on serial mash/Purple mash.


Maths will be multiplication. To warm up can you write all of the multiples that fit into the numbers 30 and 72. Eg: multiples of 20 are 1,2,4,5,10 and 20.

Hit the button link here if you want it.


History will be looking Pharaohs. You will need to do a little research about Pharaohs and using that information you will create a fact file. Template will be provided to give you an idea of layout.


Geography will be looking at Egypt. You will look at its Geographical features including the River Nile as well as its climate and surrounding landscape.


Don’t forget your brain break! We look forward to seeing your fact pages and other work. Have a great weekend!
