
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Monday 22nd February 2021

Here are your activities for today – Monday 22nd February 2021.


Phonics:  Logon to Phonics hero https://phonicshero.com/ and complete the next activity. Watch the lesson to recap plurals.


Handwriting:  Login to Letter-join www.letterjoin.co.uk. Revisit correct orientation of letter v, w, x  and z using the animations.  Trace the letters using the ‘try facility’. Practise writing the letters on Letter-joins small worksheet for Zig Zag Letters. Check you are holding your pencil correctly. See PDF for Worksheet.


GPS: Read the following words: want, watch, wonder, squash, quantity, quality and quarrel. What do you notice about these words and the sound the letter ‘a’ makes? Which of the words can you already spell and which ones need more practice?


Our spelling words this week are- asked, can’t, reaches, fixes, splashes.


Guided Reading: Log on to Purple Mash and read Chapter one of ‘The Secret of Sandcastle’ Complete the quiz set as a 2do.


English: WALT: respond to poetry and build our vocabulary. Watch the video for your lesson.


Maths: Today you be learning to recognise 2D and 3D Shapes.  Watch this video and complete the worksheet. Remember to attempt the Flashback questions first. Watch this video.


PE: Please complete the seventh KS1 Lesson Tennis from Team Theme.  You can find this here.


RE: Our big question of Term 4  - What is Humanism? Today’s question: What do humanists believe makes us special? Please see the video for the lesson.

