
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Wednesday 6th January 2021

Home Learning - Wednesday 6th January 2021


English – Read the attached poem ‘Water’. Have a look at any pictures that were taken yesterday when you were playing in the water. I would like you to record how you felt, what you did and other words to describe that experience. Please keep these safe as you will need your ideas tomorrow.


Phonics - Please spend some time on phonics hero www.phonicshero.com. Remember to check Purple Mash for some 2do’s.  Have a look at the following video following on from yesterday’s new sound on Purple Mash. Lesson 32 - Year 1 - YouTube


Maths:  Watch this video about ordering objects. Can you then complete the worksheet that is on the Website and Class Dojo.


RIC: Decode the words and write them with sound buttons underneath. Read the story and answer the questions with an adult.


PE:  Join Jamie from Cosmic Yoga. On a Wizard of Oz Adventure. The Wizard of Oz | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! - YouTube  Make sure you have some space so you can follow her yoga moves.


Jigsaw - PSHE:  Our new puzzle piece is about Dreams and Goals. In this lesson we would like you to think about your successes and achievements. Think about when you have been successful. Sometimes successes are not huge things they can be as simple as writing your name without asking for help, cutting up your own dinner or even counting to 20 on your own. Complete the worksheet and post it back to us so we can see when you have been successful.
