
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Tuesday 5th January 2021

Tuesday 5th January


Good Morning Fox and Octopus!


Hope you have a good Tuesday.


Today’s lessons will be English with GPS task and reading, maths and double topic which will be Science based.


English – we will start reading our new book ‘The Viewer’. GPS focus will be upgrading vocabulary (see beginning of English work) and reading will be to read a chapter of your own book then write a brief summary of what has happened in that chapter and a sentence to predict what will happen in the next.


Maths will be multiplication. To warm up can you ask someone at home to ask you some multiplications from the 4/5/6 times tables or spend 10 minutes on hit the button. See it here.:


Science is looking at life cycles – this will be for lesson 3 and 4.


Have a good day guys!
