
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Thursday 21st January 2021

Year 3 Home Learning – Thursday 21st January


Well done for all the wonderful work completed so far this week. Remember, this week we are focusing on mindfulness so make sure you take some time for yourself. This could be quality time with your family or taking a quiet moment to reflect.


Here is an outline of the work we would like you to complete today:



Today’s spelling focuses on words ending with -ct, -pt and -xt. Can you segment and blend each word to work out the word ending? This is set as a 2Do on Purple Mash.  



Read Chapter 4 of the Max and the Pirates of Puddleton Bay on Purple Mash. The children meet Captain Chips and find out all about the real stories of the Pirates of Puddleton Bay. The pirates are here to help them! Test your understanding of Chapter 4 by accessing the 2Do Quiz.



Watch this video to talk you through today’s English lesson. Yesterday, you listened to Chapter 3 of the Iron Man and wrote a description of the scrap yard. Today we would like you to use yesterday’s ideas to write a List Poem. A List Poem does exactly as it describes – the poem is made up of a long list of things! I wonder what words you are going to use to describe the scrap yard? Use your senses to help you!



Begin by working out the four challenges in the maths starter. Don’t forget to show your working out! Then move on to Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving.  Today we are focusing on division. We can use the sharing method to help share into equal groups. We usually draw large circles and share the number equally between the groups. However, today we are dealing with 2-digit numbers! This means you will need to draw towers of ten and little ones or place value counters. You may want to watch this video to take you through the learning.



Last week you created a poster all about magnets. What did you find out? What makes a material magnetic? Today we would like you to find different items that are magnetic and non-magnetic. This could be items around the house, in school or those listed on the resource sheet. Divide your page in half and list items underneath the two columns magnetic and non-magnetic or use the template below to help you. I wonder if all metals are magnetic? Use this video to find out more.
