
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Monday 1st March 2021

Home learning Monday 1st March 2021

Welcome to our final week of home learning before we return to school on Monday 8th. As soon as we have more detail about the re-opening, we will let you know.


English: WALT - identify skills.

This week we are going to be looking at the different aspects of an astronaut’s life and what they day and how they live in space. Today we are looing at the skills that you would need to be an astronaut and we will be hearing from Tim Peake about what is needed (Tim Peake's tips on how to become an astronaut - BBC News, Do you have what it takes to be an astronaut? - BBC Teach) and ISS for Kids! (Part 9) How to Be an Astronaut - YouTube. We would like you to write down the skills needed around the astronaut.


RIC: – Please complete the attached RIC questions


Reading:   Log in to Collins e-books and read on of the selected book. Try and have a go at the activity section.


Handwriting – Please log in to Letter-join and have a go.


Phonics: Please spend some time on phonics hero www.phonicshero.com. Watch Lesson 12 - wh wheel - YouTube where we are looking at ‘wh’.


MathsWALT- measure using non-standard units.   

Today watch the video and do the activities. There is no work sheet today. Spr1.8.4 - Measure length activity on Vimeo. Have a go at measuring things in non-standard units at home.


RE – How do Humanists believe we can be happy?

This week we are continuing our work on Humanism and today we are thinking about the things that make us happy. We will be thinking about the ‘ingredients’ that make us happy as well as what Jayden thinks about happiness.


PE – Join Joe See if you can keep up with Joe Wicks on his workout today The Body Coach TV - YouTube  What was your favourite exercise? Which exercise did you find the hardest? Which one was the easiest to do?
