
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Monday 8th February 2021

Home learning – Monday 8th February



Choose 6 words from the Year 5/6 statutory word list; these need to be different words to the ones you chose last week. Remember you could choose 6 words that you have never heard of before or 6 that you know you find difficult to spell (see list attached below). If you can, get someone to test you on your spelling of your chosen words and then work together to come up with ways to help you to spell these words accurately. If you have time, choose other words and practise spelling them by using pyramid words, writing them in rainbow colours or tracing around the words to familiarise yourself with the shape of the letters.



This week most of our reading sessions will involve reading chapters from our book, Journey to the river sea. Today we would like you to practise your fluency when reading so you will be looking at two 60 second reads. There are vocabulary, retrieval, summary, inference, prediction and comparison questions to answer for each text. The themes of the 60 second reads are the Maya Civilisation, which is our History topic for this week.



Today you will be describing a setting. Your description will be based on the point of view of one of the characters from the book and can be from one destination to another e.g., Finn taking Clovis into Manaus or Furo taking Maia from Finn’s to the Carters’. Watch the video PowerPoint where you will be guided through the lesson. Here is a video link, which shows a real-life boat trip .



Today, you are going to be learning about area of shapes. Click here https://vimeo.com/506226806 to access the White Rose video. A PowerPoint version has also been attached below. Complete the fluency, reasoning and problem solving – see resources below.



There will be a new Joe Wicks video on his You tube channel today! Minecraft Cosmic Yoga

👊PE from Home - HIIT👊 - YouTube - PE with Coach Matt from Team theme



What are the parables of Jesus? (thenational.academy) – Here is a link to a video about some of the stories Jesus told. This term we have been thinking about the question: What would Jesus do? In his stories, Jesus taught people about how they should live and behave.


We have reached the end of our topic for this term and we now need to think back to our initial responses to the question: What would Jesus do? Has your response changed? Imagine Jesus was on Earth now teaching his followers – How would he want his followers to live and behave? What words and examples would he give to them? Use these keys words: peace, forgiveness, prayer, generosity and reconciliation and the Bible stories to help construct your answer.
