Friday 12th February 2021
Here are your activities for today – Friday 12th February 2021.
Phonics: Logon to Phonics hero and complete the next activity. Today we are going to revise some phase 5 tricky words. Watch this video for your lesson.
GPS: Common exception words. See PDF.
Handwriting: Login to Letter-join. Select Easy Dictation Exercises: Easy Poem. Listen to the poem at normal speed. The listen to the poem again one line at a time and write each line down.
Guided Reading: Logon to Purple Mash and read Chapter five of ‘Daisy’s Rainbow’ Complete the quiz set as a 2do.
English: WALT use varied vocabulary to add descriptive detail. Watch the video for your lesson.
Maths: There is no video today. Complete the worksheet and see what you remember.
Don’t forget to attempt the Flashback questions first.
Topic - Art Double Lesson.
WALT: press objects into a malleable material to make textures, patterns and imprints.
Roll clay balls of different sizes, then add interest by pressing objects into the clay's surface, thinking about creating patterns and textures that would be intriguing and interesting for the viewer. Once dried, select and use brightly coloured paints/glazes to decorate. You can use play dough if you do not have clay. Here is how to make it.