Friday 26th February 2021
Home learning – Friday 26th February
Today we will be revising apostrophes. Work through the activities in the spelling resource below, which focus on the use of apostrophes for possession.
Read chapter 6 of the Dark castle mystery. Answer the multiple choice and open-ended questions.
Today you will be reading chapter 4. Remember you can listen to chapter 4 and the previous 3 chapters. You will need to choose 6 main events from the book so far. In addition, you will have the opportunity to sketch the characters in some of these scenes and add bubbles to show the thoughts of the characters. Watch the video PowerPoint where you will be guided through the lesson.
Today you are reviewing all 3 parts of the maths unit we have been studying; you will need to use all the knowledge you have of perimeter, area and volume. Complete the questions provided – see resources below.
Today we will be researching the differences and similarities between rich and poor Victorian children. Follow the PowerPoint below for more information.
Activity one: Research and make notes on both rich and poor children. Here are some key points you could research:
- children in the workhouse
- children in the home
- jobs for children
- games and toys
- children at school
Here is a video to get you started: (13) Victorians: the filthy rich and the filthy poor – YouTube You may also refer to the resources on today’s webpage.
Activity two: Using your notes from activity one, you will need to present your findings and compare the lives of the rich and poor Victorian children. What was similar and what was different? What life would you prefer?
There are many ways or presenting your findings, for example:
- PowerPoint
- Poster
- Leaflet
Your information should include writing, pictures and be non-fiction.