Friday 12th February 2021
Year 3 Home Learning – Friday 12th February
It’s the last day of term! Thank you all so much for your hard work, we have loved looking at your portfolio pictures. Enjoy the half term break! Here is an outline of the work we would like you to complete today:
Practice your phonics knowledge by using Phonics Hero has fun and interactive games that build reading and spelling skills gradually and teaches the 44 different sounds. If your login is not in your child’s contact book, please message your teacher for the login details!
Read Chapter 7 of The Switcher. Nell's calculations about when they will swap back are wrong. Will Ben and Rocky still be able to win the talent show? Use your inference skills to test your understanding of the final chapter by completing the Quiz on Purple Mash.
Complete Y2 SPR1 WK6 to recap spellings learnt in Year 2. Can you remember how to spell Year 2 common exception words? Complete the 2Do on Purple Mash.
Today we will finish reading Until I Met Dudley by Roger McGough. What was your favourite page? I wonder what different electrical items you have around your house. Today we would like you to choose an electrical item and by using your imagination, describe a unique way of how it works. Just like the author! What animal helps the item to work? Draw a picture of your idea and write a short description underneath. Watch the video for more ideas!
Begin by working out the four challenges in the maths starter. Don’t forget to show your working out! Then move on to Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving.
Today we are continuing to read and interpret bar charts. A bar chart displays information (that’s called data) by using rectangular bars of different heights. Can you read the data and answer the questions? Watch the video to help explain the learning in more detail.
Today we would like you to design your own rollercoaster ride! Use the resource sheet below to remind yourself of the different types of forces, or alternatively explore this website. Draw your design on plain paper. Will you design a water ride or an accelerator coaster? Underneath your design, write sentences that explain the force being used.