Wednesday 6th January 2021
Here are your activities for today – Wednesday 6th January 2021.
Phonics: Logon to Phonics hero and complete the next activity.
Watch this video and recap the sound ie
Guided Reading: Logon to Purple Mash. Read Chapter Three of ‘Anna’s Sports Day’ and complete the quiz.
GPS: Complete the activities set on Purple Mash.
Nouns – Compounding with Grandad.
Practise the spellings of the following words – people, magic, school, home, going. Can you write them in bubble writing?
English: Today you will be using your imagination and writing about your own imagined scenario. Please see the attached PDF for your work. You can listen to the story here.
Maths: Today we will be adding equal groups. Watch this video which will take you though some examples and then complete the worksheet. You can write out your answers you do not need to print out your sheet. Watch this video for additional help.
PE: Complete the fitness at home activity cards. See attached PDF
PHSE - Jigsaw: Our unit this term is called ‘Dreams and Goals’. Piece 1 of our Jigsaw lesson is called ‘Goals for Success’. Today, you are going to choose a realistic goal and think about how to achieve it and identify your successes and achievements and know how this makes me feel (proud).
You are going to create a success ribbon. You can use the template attached or create your own success ribbon. These ribbons need a photo/drawing of you at the top and one of your successes written beneath it, e.g. good at skipping, can tie shoe laces, etc. Write a short paragraph of how you achieved this success and how you feel about it.
Make a success treasure chest. Decorate your own small treasure chest. These can be simply made boxes like a cereal box etc.. These boxes will be special because they will store your successes. Place your ribbon into your treasure chest, as you do this say - ‘I feel proud that I can…’, e.g. tie my shoes, play the recorder, etc. Keep your treasure chest safe as we will use them this term.
Your challenge: Create a ribbon which has a new goal on it and in the next two Pieces (lessons) you will be working on achieving this goal. Make sure you choose ‘realistic goal’, i.e. one that is a challenge but one you can achieve.