
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Thursday 14th January 2021

Thursday 14 January 2020


Good Morning Guys and Girls,


Don’t forget you will find todays worship video on our class story. Today’s lessons will be English, Maths, History and Art.


English – so the next two days of English will be combined. You will be carrying out personal research on all things Ancient Egyptian and then once all your information has been gathered you will create a mini leaflet presenting your findings. You can look at anything from certain areas of Egypt, tomb raiders, pharaohs, pyramids, climate and weather, statues and monuments or legends and beliefs. These are just a few ideas but the choice is yours. I can’t wait to see the finished products!


Maths will be continuing with multiplication. To warm up spend 10 minutes on Hit the Button doing division. Hit the button link here.


History is an Ancient Egyptian time line


Art is creating secret Pyramid cases


Don’t forget your brain break!

