
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Monday 11th January 2021

Year 4  Daily Activities            Week 2     Monday 11th January


Today’s Activities

Welcome to today’s learning fun. I hope that you all had a relaxing weekend with your families. Today begins with English activities, followed by Maths, P.E. and finally R.E.



This week for spelling, we will be looking at how the prefixes 'in', 'im', 'il' and 'ir' change the meaning of different root words. Please read through Monday Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling PDF and then complete the activity, Monday GPS Task PDF. You will also need to refer to Golden Rules in, im, il and ir PDF to support the activity. 


Reading Activity                                                                                                                      

Purple Mash 2Do Activity. Read Chapter 3 of ‘Look into my eyes’ and then answer the quiz questions. This has been set as a 2Do on Purple Mash


Writing Activity                                                                                                           

Today we will read some more of our class story, ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’  See Monday Story below. After reading you will begin to look at the main character and write down some observations about him.  See Monday Writing Activity



Today’s lesson is all about multiplying 3 numbers. Watch this video link which explains how to do this easily and then have a go at the maths activity sheet below.  Complete as many questions as you can, but please don’t worry if there are ones you are not sure of.


Don’t forget your daily 5-10 minutes of times tables practice, using either Purple Mash (Monster Multiplication 2Do), Times Tables Rockstar or Top Marks Hit the Button    Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)



Cosmic Yoga – Begin with a session all about washing hands and then go on a fun adventure with Sonic the Hedgehog.


Safeguard the Handwashing Soap | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!                                                                                                      

Sonic The Hedgehog | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! - YouTube



Today’s learning question is- ‘What is the meaning of the parable in ‘The Good Samaritan.’  Remember a parable is a story that Jesus told which has a hidden meaning and makes us stop and think. Click on the link below and then read and complete the task below about ‘The Good Samaritan.’ 


Parable of the Good Samaritan (animation) - KS1 Religious Education - BBC Bitesize


Have a great home learning Monday.


Miss Goodchild,  Mrs Goldup,  Mrs Sands and Miss Pettitt
