
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Monday 22nd February 2021

Monday 22/02/21


Activity 1 - Reading the story

Listen to Mrs Fox read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Questions to ask Did you like the story? Which character did you like? Have you ever grown a bean? What would you do if there was a beanstalk in your garden? Can you sequence the story using the story cards attached?


Activity 2- Beans

Watch the short video on growing a bean  Can you draw your own beanstalk and the world above it? Who would live there? What would you do when you went to visit? I have attached some pictures of beanstalk for you to put in order of size - have a go at ordering them tallest to shortest and then shortest to tallest.


Activity 3- phonics fun 1

Watch Mrs Fox’s Phonics lesson on Alliteration. Can you complete Mrs Fox’s challenges which are as follows:


1. Sing the hello song with your grown up and Mrs Fox

2. Digging for Treasure

3. Can you join in with Mrs Fox and say the name of the objects? Can you hear the first sound? They all start with the same sound.

4. Sing the goodbye song with your grown up and Mrs Fox


Tasks: 1. Can you play this game and match the correct objects?


Username: Jan21

Password: home 2.


Can you find objects in your home that all begin with the same sound?
