Thursday 11th February 2021
Here are your activities for today – Thursday 11th February 2021.
Phonics: Log on to Phonics hero and complete the next activity. Today we are going to revise some phase 5 tricky words. Watch this video for your lesson –
GPS: Common exception words. See PDF.
Handwriting: Login to Letter-join. Select Easy Dictation Exercises: Easy Poem. Listen to the poem at normal speed. The listen to the poem again one line at a time and write each line down.
Guided Reading: Logon to Purple Mash and read Chapter five of ‘Daisy’s Rainbow’ Complete the quiz set as a 2do.
English: WALT use varied vocabulary to add descriptive detail. Watch the video for your lesson.
Maths: Today we are learning to interpret block diagrams. Watch this video which will take you through some examples then complete the worksheet. Remember to attempt the Flashback questions first. Watch this video:
Topic - Music: WALT compose a simple rhythm.
Topic: - PSHE – Relaxing session.
Take part in a relaxation session. Relax in different ways: to music or in silence, with eyes closed. Explain how relaxation makes them you feel. Think about when relaxation techniques like these might be helpful in the classroom. You could join in with mindfulness yoga.