
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Monday 8th February 2021

Monday 8th February 2021 - Home Learning


Session 1 - Phonics

We are going to continue learning Phase 3 sounds which are all digraphs, two letters making one sound or a trigraph, three letters making one sound. Click the link for Letters and Sounds video for the new digraph short ‘oo’


Session 2 – English

Watch the video of Mrs Holmes sharing the end of the book Astro Girl again. Right at the end Astrid says she has missed her Mama and that she wants to be an astronaut just like her. She also says ‘You’re my hero’ What do you think Astrid means? What is a hero? Who is your hero and why? Talk to your grown up about who is your hero is and why they are your hero.


Now write a sentence  ……………… is my hero because……………….


Session 3 -  Maths

Today we are going to learn all about the number 6. Watch the video to find out about number 6. Let’s count to 6. Can you identify the pictures that represent 6. Can you go and find 6 things that are the same? 6 biscuits, 6 pieces of a puzzle, 6 cars, 6 pegs. Now go on a number 6 hunt. Where in your house can you find 6 things or the numeral 6?


Session 4 - PE

Cosmic Yoga. Click on the link for Mike and Muttnik on the Moon. Mike and Muttnik on The Moon | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! - YouTube


Session 5 - Letter Formation

Please logon to letter-join at www.letter-join.co.uk





Click on your child’s class, either Butterfly or Pebble. Click the blue easy letters. This week we are working on c and o formations. Use this to watch and practise the correct cursive formations.


Extra Fun Just Dance

Click on the link and have lots of fun join in with the Gummy Bear dance. Just Dance Kids 2 I Am A Gummy Bear - YouTube


Story time

Today’s story is  Here Come the Aliens! by Colin McNaughton and read by Mrs Holmes.

