
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Wednesday 20th January 2021

Home Learning 20th January 2021


Session 1 - Phonics

We are going to continue learning Phase 3 sounds which are all digraphs, two letters making one sound or a trigraph, three letters making one sound. Click the link for Letters and Sounds video for the new digraph ‘ng’


Session 2 – English

Create a ‘Shrine box’ to share more about your family. It could include family photographs, notes and cards, a favourite book, travel memorabilia or tickets, special items of clothing, special toys, anything that helps you talk about you and your family. Watch the video of Mrs Holmes sharing her ‘Shrine Box. ’Upload a short video sharing the items in your ‘Shrine Box’ by the end of the week.


Session 3 -  Maths - Equal and unequal Groups

Watch the video of Mrs Leigh getting ready for a picnic with her little boy. If we both have the same number of biscuits we have equal. If Mrs Leigh has more sandwiches we have unequal – because 1 group is more and 1 group is fewer.



Can you set up a picnic for your teddies? Can you make sure they have the equal number of biscuits? Can they have an unequal number of sandwiches?



Who has more altogether? Draw a picture to show this.


Session 4- Topic - Superstars

How can you be a superstar?

Can you think of ways you can help your adults in the house?

Have a look at star cards, could you do some of these jobs or write some of your own with your adults.



Put these in a box and each day choose a different one and complete the task on it.


Session 5 - Letter Formation

Today Mrs Holmes shows you how to form the letter ‘y’ correctly. Watch the video and practice. Remember to add the smiley face to your best formation.


Extra Fun - Patterns to colour

Use your handwriting patterns to colour in a rainbow. Have a look at Mrs Leigh’s example.


Story time

Today’s story is Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson, read by Miss Chamberlain

