
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Tuesday 9th February 2021

Home learning – Tuesday 9th February


Go through the Year 5/6 statutory spelling list. Use 3 colours (red, yellow and green) to assess your spelling knowledge.

  • Highlight the words you are confident about spelling (green).
  • Highlight the words you have to think carefully about but you usually spell correctly (yellow).
  • Highlight the words that you find really tricky to spell (red).


If you cannot print the list, create 3 lists instead.


Reading – Journey to the river sea

Read or listen here to chapters 14 and 15. Chapter 14 – draw an image of Maia waving Finn off sailing away in the Arabella. Read or listen to chapter 15 – Clovis arrives at Westwood; make notes about how he gets on with the characters there.



Today you will be asking Finn, Clovis and Minty about their experience, thoughts and feelings of the night in museum. You will be considering how you think they would respond to your questions. Watch the PowerPoint video where you will be guided through the lesson and the final writing task will be explained.



Today, you are going to be learning about area and perimeter of shapes. Click here https://vimeo.com/506227199 to access the White Rose video. A PowerPoint version has also been attached below. Complete the fluency, reasoning and problem solving – see resources below.



Express activity for Darwin’s Delights – Close your eyes and imagine you have been catapulted into the future. It’s time to meet your future self! See you Topic guidance below with your exciting task for today!
