Friday 15th January 2021
Year 4 Daily Activities Week 2 Friday 15th January
Today’s Activities
Today begins with English activities, followed by Maths and Topic (DT/Art) in the afternoon..
Today we will be continuing to explore different prepositions. Read through Friday Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling PDF and complete the sorting task- which words are prepositions and which ones are not? You will then need to log on to Purple Mash, where there is a 2Do set for you, called Bella and the Farm. You need to select the correct preposition for each sentence in the quickest time that you can!
Reading Activity
Read today’s extract, which is about an Anglo-Saxon god called Odin Allfather. You may notice similarities between him and a certain Viking god! Friday Reading Activity
ADULTS PLEASE NOTE THE ANSWERS are on the 2nd page of this activity
Writing Activity
Today you will be writing part of the story of Sif and her Golden Hair. See Friday Writing Activity below
Today’s lesson is all about multiplying 3 digits number by a 1 digit number. Watch this video link which explain how to do this easily and then have a go at the Maths Activity Sheet below. Complete as many questions as you can, but please don’t worry if there are ones you are not sure of. Your adult can check your answers using the Maths Activity Answer Sheet below.
Don’t forget your daily 5-10 minutes of times tables practice, using either Purple Mash (Monster Multiplication 2Do), Times Tables Rockstar or Top Marks Hit the Button Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (
Topic (DT/Art)
This week and next Friday afternoon you will be designing and making a Viking ship. In today’s lesson you’ll read some information about Viking ships and design a dragon head for the front of your Viking ship, a Viking shield and then your actual ship. Following on from that you will begin to make your ship, including the Viking dragonhead that you decided on. Next week you will complete your ship and make shields to go along the side, using one of the 2 designs that you made. You can choose to print off the Viking Ship Booklet or complete the design work on paper or in your learning book at home. Attached below are some photos of ships designed by other children that you may want to look at for ideas for your own design. Viking Ships Junk Modelling Pictures
Have a great home learning Friday.
Miss Goodchild, Mrs Goldup, Mrs Sands and Miss Pettitt