Friday 8th January 2021
Year 4 Daily Activities. Week 1 Friday 7th January
Good morning Turtles, Frogs and Deers,
Here are the activities and resources that you will need to complete today. Please take pictures and upload it onto dojo so that your teachers can see and comment on all the great work that you have been doing. If you are not sure how to upload, please look at the general blog on the Home Learning page where there is link to a pdf file explaining how.
Today’s Activity
GPS (Spelling) Words beginning with the prefix ‘in’. Purple Mash 2Do
If you have forgotten your Purple Mash log in details, please contact your class teacher and they will send it to you via class dojo. If you are unable to access Purple Mash today, for any reason, then you can complete the alternative spelling activity. (see document below)
Reading Activity: Read Chapter 2 and complete Chp.2 quiz Purple Mash 2Do ‘Look into my eyes’
Writing Activity: Writing a poem (see document below)
Maths: Today you will be multiplying and dividing by 11 and 12. Watch the video input and then complete the activity either on the sheet or on paper. (see documents below)
Daily times tables warm up. Spend 5-10 minutes learning your tables. You can choose from any of these websites to practice- Purple Mash Monster Multiplication, Times Tables Rockstars and Hit the Button Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (
Topic L 5 & 6 (History)
Following on from reading about the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings, today you will be watching a video clip about the important events that happened between 400 AD and 1066 AD. Watch the following video link.
TASK: Create an Anglo-Saxon timeline starting in 400AD It should be titled Anglo-Saxon- Viking Timeline. You can choose to use the sheet below or create your own timeline with illustrations on paper or in your books at home. (see document below)
Have a great Friday and enjoy the weekend break.
Miss Goodchild, Mrs Goldup, Mrs Sands and Miss Pettitt