Monday 22nd February 2021
Year 3 Home Learning -Term 4 Week 1
Monday 22nd February
Welcome to Term 4! We hope you had a lovely half term and enjoyed the much needed rest.
Just a reminder that Miss Blackmore and Mr Cook will be available to communicate with you live on Class Dojo between 10-10.30am and 14.00-14.30pm. We will be able to help you with your learning and answer any questions about the work set.
Here is an outline of the work we would like you to complete today:
Practice your phonics knowledge by using Phonics Hero has fun and interactive games that build reading and spelling skills gradually and teaches the 44 different sounds. If your login is not in your child’s contact book, please message your teacher for the login details!
Read Chapter 1 of Henry the Elephant. Henry the elephant loves jungle life. When loggers approach the jungle animal's home, everyone panics, but Henry hurries off. Where has Henry gone? Test your understanding of the chapter by completing the 2Do Quiz.
Use your phonics knowledge to spell words containing the phonemes -sc, -sk, -sm and -sn. Use your segmenting and blending skills to sound out each word. This is also set as a 2Do on Purple Mash.
This term we are reading a new book called Krindlekrax. This is a very funny school story with weird and wonderful characters written by the award-winning author, Philip Ridley. Today we would like you to write a prediction based on the front cover and blurb. We would like you to consider what the book will be about, who the characters are and what type of story it might be. Watch the pre-recorded lesson to take you through today’s learning.
Begin by working out the four challenges in the maths starter. Don’t forget to show your working out! Then move on to Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. We will begin this term by focusing on Measurement: Length and Perimeter. Today we are learning to measure length. Watch this video to help understand today’s learning.
Join Jaime as we meet some of the amazing Masked Singer Masks! By doing their special poses, you might make them appear…Watch this video to enjoy a cosmic yoga session.
This term we are going to meet Taryn and her family, who are Humanists. We are going to find out about how being a Humanist affects their decisions and choices in life. We will try and answer the Big Question: ‘What is Humanism?’
Humanism isn’t a religion, but a way of thinking and living. Humanists do not believe in God or gods. They believe that this is our only life, so it is very important to live a worthwhile, happy life for ourselves and others. Today’s learning question is ‘What is Humanism?’ This term we are pre-recording RE lessons, take a look at this video to take you through the learning.