
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Thursday 14th January 2021

Home learning – Thursday 14th January


Grammar – We have, already this year, explored the ways we can use semicolons to link related sentences to make one longer sentence. Check out the powerpoint below to refresh your knowledge. Then use it to look at the ways we can use a colon in a sentence. Try the quiz questions at the end of the powerpoint. Challenge: Check out the ‘Where do they go semicolon or colon’ sentences using the boxes given decide where the semicolon and colons belong within the sentences you are given. (Watch out there is a lot here – only select the starred sheet you would usually try you don’t need to do all of it).



Read Chapter 3 of a new story called Seeds of doom and the answer the multiple choice questions. Have a go at the ‘Challenge questions’ – see resources below.



Planning a portal story: Nearly all portal stories follow a similar pattern:

• Main character (MC) finds magical portal & enters new world

• Describe new world

• MC explores this new world & encounters a problem

• MC has to escape & return through the portal

• MC cannot find portal again (sometimes brings back a memento of new world)

Once you have identified the pattern of the story, the possibilities are endless.  Let your imagination run free. Brainstorm lots of ideas and then decide which captures your interest as a writer.  Before you start, take a look at my top tips.


 Top tips for story writing:

Start in a world/a setting that you know well – it is far easier to describe something familiar to you, e.g. a garden, your school, your local town, etc.

Use a stimulus (e.g. picture) for the new world – an image will help you focus in on the detail and describe what is there.

Let your ideas flow – don’t worry about spelling, handwriting or presentation … you can go back and edit this later.

★ Using this underlying pattern (see the linked resource below) plan a few portal stories of your own. You may like to draw upon your own personal experience as well as your wider reading and imagination. I have also included two pictures in case they help you.



Today, you are going to be converting fractions to decimals (part 1). Click here https://vimeo.com/491237616 to access the White Rose video. A PowerPoint version has also been attached below. Complete the fluency, reasoning and problem solving – see resources below.



Continue the work you started on Tuesday. Plan an expedition across the Galápagos Islands that will help people take in the incredible sights and sounds.  See the resources below for more support.


Part 2 - Draw a detailed sketch map of your route, labelling places that you plan to stop and stay. Give details about the location of the Galapagos islands (Continent, North or South hemisphere, lines of longitude and latitude). Make a list of things that people would need to take, including clothing that would be suitable for the climatic conditions and physical terrain.
