Thursday 28th January 2021
Thursday 28th January 2021
Session 1 - Phonics We are going to continue learning Phase 3 sounds which are all digraphs, two letters making one sound or a trigraph, three letters making one sound. Click the link for Letters and Sounds video for segmenting and blending words with the digraph ‘ee’
Session 2 – English Watch the video of Mrs Holmes beginning to read our book we have been looking at Astro Girl by Ken Wilson Max. So Astrid has a friend called Jake and she wants to be an astronaut. She tells Jake this and she tells her dad this too.
Watch the two short clips about being an astronaut by clicking in the links below. Get your grown up to video you telling them two or more things you have learned about being an astronaut.
What's it like to be an astronaut? - CBeebies - BBC Tim Peake and Miss Mouse - CBeebies - BBC
Session 3 - Maths
Finding 1 less Watch the video of Mrs Leigh finding out about 1 less. Every time we take 1 away we need to count how many we have left altogether. Remember the total is the last number we count.
Activity While out and about on a walk can you collect some sticks or some pine cones? How many do you have each time you take 1 away?
Challenge Can you write down the numbers each time you take 1 away?
Session 4 - RE - What is a Parable?
The Parable of the Leaven Watch the video of Mrs Holmes discussing today’s parable and activity. Can you curl up small into a ball? As small as you can. Sometimes the tiniest things can grow in the most surprising ways. Watch this clip of making bread. Christians believe that God’s kingdom can grow with a small act, just like a tiny bit of yeast can make the bread grow.
Session 5 Letter Formation Please log on to letter-join and work on the letters ‘i, l and t’ at
Username:wk25530 Password:home
Today we are practising easy words using the letters l, i and t. Once you log-in to letter-join please click the ‘easy words’ This will model how to write ill, it, lit and tilt and your child can practise.
Extra Fun - Dough Disco Watch Dough Disco Walking on the Moon and join in with the actions.
Story time Today’s story is read by Mrs Fox |