
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Friday 5th March 2021

Home Learning 5th March 2021


Session 1 - Phonics

It’s Friday and Mrs Holmes is recapping all phase 3 phonemes recorded so far. Help her to segment and blend to read and record short sentences. Show your teacher how very clever you are!


Session 2 – English

Watch the video of Mrs Holmes reading the whole story. Charlie was such a nice brother, describing the foods in a fun way so that Lola was brave enough to try the different foods. Let’s pretend to be Lola and write a thank you message to Charlie for being so kind.


Session 3 -  Maths - Making 10



Around your house or on a walk find 2 different sets of objects, some teddies and toy cars or some leaves and some rocks. Make a giant 10s frame, use the objects to make 10 in your giant 10 frame.


Session 4 - PSHE

Healthy Me- We Like To Move It Move It!

Watch the video and join in with the bean game. Can you feel your heart beating faster? What has happened to your breath? Why is it important to exercise? Talk to your grown up and think of other activities that you can do that will keep you healthy and make your heart beat faster.


Session 5- Letter Formation

Please logon to letter-join at www.letter-join.co.uk





Click on your child’s class, either Butterfly or Pebble. Click the blue easy words and practise ‘ham’, ‘mend’, ‘hand’, ‘them’. Use this to watch and practise the correct cursive formations.

Extra Fun


Golden Time

Choose your favourite game to play, or your favourite activity, or your favourite film to watch. Just have fun.


Story time

Today’s story is read by Mrs Johnson-Oakenfull. How many stories will you share this week? We would love to see a list or a photo of the books you have enjoyed.

