Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Year 4 Daily Activities Week 5 Wednesday 3rd February
Today’s Activities
Today begins with English activities, followed by Maths, P.E. and P.H.S.E.
We are going to be looking at words which contain the /sh/ sound but spelt with 'ch'. Watch a quick video on BBC Bitesize by clicking this link: When is the 'sh' sound spelt with 'ch'? - BBC Bitesize
Complete the word search 030121.year4.GPS3wordsearch, then choose five of the words that you have found and include them in sentences. I wonder if you can also include fronted adverbials? For example, In the Winter, we stay at our family chalet in the Swiss mountains.
Reading Activity
Today’s reading activity is the story of the Sword in the Stone. Read this popular story and then answer the questions, using full sentences. The Sword in the Stone Reading Activity
Writing Activity
Yesterday you researched facts and information about modern day Iceland. Today, you will begin to write a non chronological report about Iceland in the form of a fact sheet. This activity will be continued in tomorrow’s lesson. Please note that this will be a 1st draft so leave editing lines today and tomorrow. On Friday you will edit your fact sheet and then rewrite it as an edited final copy. Wednesday Video PPt Writing Activity
Today’s lesson is all about tenths. Watch this which explains how to do this a bit more and then have a go at the Maths Activity Sheet below. Complete as many questions as you can, but please don’t worry if there are ones you are not sure of. Don’t forget your daily 5-10 minutes of times tables practice, using either Purple Mash (Monster Multiplication 2Do), Times Tables Rockstar or Top Marks Hit the Button Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (
Today you will be completing the Team Theme Virtual Winter Sports Week. Please compete at home and send us your times and scores on the Winter Sports Recording Sheet.
There are 7 events for you to take part in; click here to see each event demonstrated by some of our favourite Team Theme coaches:
Don’t forget to check the video link to see how to complete each event safely. You have 30 seconds to complete as many repetitions as you can, apart from the Ski Sit when you must just time how long you can hold the position!
Last week you looked at how to make a new plan and set new goals even if you have been disappointed. This week you are looking at how to work out the steps to take to achieve a goal and how to do this successfully as part of a group. Begin today’s lesson by looking at the PHSE Input and then completing the PHSE Activity.
Have a great home learning Wednesday.
Miss Goodchild, Mrs Goldup, Mrs Sands and Miss Pettitt