Friday 15th January 2021
Home learning – Friday 15th January
Grammar – You have been using commas for a number of reasons for quite a few years now. Write down some rules for when you use them and give examples of them in sentences. Now you are in Year 6 we need to perfect the use of this punctuation to make sure we write clearly and clarify the meaning of a sentence. Check out the ‘Commas to clarify’ application sheet below to practise the skills (Again watch out you don’t have to complete all of the sheets, just the one appropriate for you).
Read Chapter 4 of a new story called Seeds of doom and the answer the multiple choice questions. Have a go at the ‘Challenge questions’ – see resources below.
Writing your own story: You now have all of the tools required to write your own portal story. You may like to write about a more traditional portal that leads you to a magical world, or you may prefer to draw upon your personal experiences, as we have explored throughout this unit.
To recap on all the key points we’ve been learning:
a. Describe the portal in detail. You may want to show the portal through the eyes of the main character.
b. Think about what lies on the other side of the door. Allow yourself the opportunity to write about what interests you and what is important to you.
c. Great writers steal ideas (‘magpie’) from other great writers. Reflect upon the portal stories that you have loved reading and consider what made these so engaging. Try to bring in some of these skills and techniques into your own work.
d. Enjoy it. Writing is all about sharing a passion for words, stories and the world of possibility. If you love the story you are writing – so too will your reader.
★ Now write your portal story, drawing on all that you have learned. Don’t forget to share or publish your work on Class Dojo – great writing deserves an audience!
Today, you are going to be converting fractions to decimals (part 2). Click here to access the White Rose video. A PowerPoint version has also been attached below. Complete the fluency, reasoning and problem solving – see resources below.
Lesson 2 of Darwin’s Delights – Choose an animal found on the Galápagos Islands, such as the marine iguana, blue-footed booby, giant tortoise, Galápagos penguin, frigatebird or lava lizard. Consider what features show that the animal has adapted and evolved to suit its environment. Sketch the animal/bird and write a short report or presentation to explain your thoughts and ideas. Choose at least 2 animals/birds. See resources below to give you more guidance.
Lesson 3 of Darwin’s Delights – Darwin loved to collect shells that he found on the coast, particularly barnacle shells. Use fine ink pens or a sharp pencil to make detailed drawings on plain paper (if possible) of different types of shells, including barnacle shells. Use a hand lens, if you have one, to observe fine details of the shell, including its many lines and shapes. Label your drawings with the name of the shell or animal that lived in it. See resources below to give you more support.