Monday 4th January 2021
Monday 4th January
Good Morning Fox and Octopus!
Today’s lessons are English with a GPS task and reading, Maths, PE and RE.
English – this is an introduction to our new book ‘The Viewer’. GPS focus will be exclamation marks (see beginning of English work) and reading will be from Serial Mash. Login to your account to see the assigned book which has been set as a 2do.
Maths – this is going to be multiplication. To warm up can you ask someone at home to ask you some multiplications from the 3/4/5 times tables? You can find the video for today here.
PE – It is possibly more important than ever before to keep children active at this challenging time. Without the routine of regular physical activity at school, children are at a greater risk of developing poor habits and therefore having a detrimental effect on their physical and mental health. Please find below a selection of online resources that will help your children experience the recommended 1 hour of physical activity required every day.
Simply hover over the title and click to access the video…
Please record and upload your scores to Purple Mash or Class DOJO for your teacher to see.
RE – our topic this term is PEOPLE of GOD. The big question is… How can following God bring freedom and justice? See the resources below.