Friday 5th February 2021
Home learning – Friday 5th February
Today you will be revising main and subordinate clauses. A main clause (also known as an independent clause) is one that can stand alone as a sentence in its own right. It must contain a subject and a verb. A subordinate clause, on the other hand, is one that cannot stand its own, and must be attached to a main clause to form a grammatically correct sentence. Read through the PowerPoint below and have a go at the quiz questions at the end.
Read chapter 11 and answer the comprehension questions. Answer the questions as you read the chapter. There is a recording of Chapter 11 that you can listen to here.
Today you will be reading chapters 11, 12 and 13. Watch the video PowerPoint where you will be guided though the tasks associated with this chapters.
Today, you are going to be learning about imperial measures. Click here to access the White Rose video. A PowerPoint version has also been attached below. Complete the fluency, reasoning and problem solving – see resources below.
How are plants suited to, and adapted to their environment?
- All living things are trying to survive. All the living things that can be found in the school grounds or at home are success stories: not only have they survived, but millions of their ancestors have too.
- Think about what a plant needs in order to survive.
- Choose one question to investigate (questions can be found on the PowerPoint below). You can choose more than one question if you would like.