
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Wednesday 24th February 2021

Here are your activities for today – Wednesday 24th February 2021


Phonics:  Log on to Phonics hero https://phonicshero.com/ and complete the next activity. Third person singular with verbs ending in se/zz/ze. Look at these examples …


I buzz -it buzzes

I tease – he teases

I gaze – it gazes.


What do you notice about the above examples? Divide a piece of paper in half and write I on one side and he/she on the other.  Can you put them on the correct side? fizz, chooses, chase, use, praises, doze, fuses.


Handwriting:  High frequency words.  Login to Letter-join and Practise the HFW on page 4 or see the PDF.  Can you use any of these high frequency words in a sentence?


GPS: Read the following words: want, watch, wonder, squash, quantity, quality and quarrel.

Can you write the above words in a sentence?


Our spelling words this week are- asked, can’t, reaches, fixes, splashes.


Guided Reading: Logon to Purple Mash and read Chapter three of ‘The secret of Sandcastle’ Complete the quiz set as a 2do.


English: WALT:  respond to poetry. Watch the video for your lesson.


Maths: Today we are learning to count the sides on a 2D shape. Watch this video and then complete the worksheets. Remember to attempt the Flashback questions first. Watch this video: https://vimeo.com/506146067


PE: Join in with some cosmic yoga


PSHE: Healthy Me. WALT: know what I need to keep my body healthy and be motivated to make healthy lifestyle choices.


Read the Jigsaw Song: ‘Keep fit, keep healthy’ (See PDF). Using the song lyrics as inspiration, identify the different ways that you can keep your bodies healthy. Make a list, think of as many different ways as possible. For example; balanced diet, exercise, drinking water, sleeping well, resting and relaxing, keeping clean. 


Most people know about how to keep themselves healthy but that sometimes some people find it difficult to stay healthy. This is the story of Jigsaw Jo. Jigsaw Jo goes to Judo every week and usually enjoys it. But one week, it does not seem as fun to Jo, who decides to stay at home instead. Jo is a bit tired and can’t really be bothered to go out, even though there will be loads of nice people at Judo. Jo feels a bit disappointed to miss Judo…


Why might Jo not want to go to Judo? Have you ever felt like not doing something active, even if you have enjoyed it before? How might Jigsaw Jo feel when Jo does go to judo? Have you ever felt like Jo?


Think of four things that keep people healthy. Then, using the Help Jigsaw Jo sheet, draw or write suggestions for helping Jigsaw Jo to be more motivated in each of the boxes.



