Thursday 25th February 2021
Year 4 Daily Activities Week 1 Thursday 25th February
Today’s Activities
Today begins with English activities, followed by Maths and Science in the afternoon.
We are going to be exploring the differences between direct and indirect speech today. Read through 250221.year4.GPS4 and then complete the two tasks, 250221.year4.GPS4tasks.
For handwriting today, we will be using the Year 3/4 words that we practised on Tuesday and we will be putting them into sentences. Read through page 3 (you will need to scroll down to 'Missing Word Sentences 1: 3 ) of 250221.year4.handwriting2 PAGE 3 ONLY. Fill in the missing words (each sentence has 3 missing words) so that each sentence makes sense. Remember to use your very best Eastchurch handwriting!
Reading Activity
‘School Swap’ Chp.2 and Chp.2 Quiz set as a 2Do on Purple Mash.
Writing Activity
In today’s lesson you will be creating a word bank describing the ‘old man.’ You will think of adjectives and similes describing his outside physical appearance and his personality. Watch the Thursday Video PPT Writing Lesson 4 and use the L4 Resources Sheet.
Today we are learning to add 2 or more fractions. Watch this video to help you before completing the worksheet that is below. Remember, we always expect you to try your hardest but if there are question that are too difficult then please do not stress about them! We will always be proud that you gave it a go. Thursday Maths Activity Sheet and Thursday Maths Answer Sheet
Don’t forget your daily 5-10 minutes of times tables practice, using either Purple Mash (Monster Multiplication 2Do), Times Tables Rockstar or Top Marks Hit the Button Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (
Topic (Science)
This week in science we are going to be looking at states of matter. States of matter include solids, liquids and gases. Follow the Solid, Liquid or Gas Powerpoint and complete the activities that come up. Your first sheet will be the Solid, Liquid or Gas Sorting Activity Sheet and the next will be the Particles Activity Sheet. As mentioned in the powerpoint, you do not have to print the sheets out. They can easily be drawn and completed into your home learning books or on paper.
Have a great home learning Thursday.
Miss Goodchild, Mrs Goldup, Mrs Sands and Miss Dean