Wednesday 13th January 2021
Here are your activities for today – Wednesday 13th January 2021.
Phonics: Logon to Phonics hero and complete the next activity. Watch this video and recap the sound o_e - Lesson 128 - Year 1 (Summer Term) - YouTube Read and practise the spelling of the following words: bone, home, tone, woke, spoke, stone.
Guided Reading: Logon to Purple Mash. Read Chapter Three of ‘Watch out! River Running Wild’ and complete the quiz.
GPS: Practise the spellings of these Contractions: can’t, didn’t, hasn’t, it’s, couldn’t, I’ll, they’re.
Rainbow words: Write each of the words in pencil and then draw around the words 5 times, each time using a different coloured pencil. Do the same for this week’s spellings: hero, echo, snow, spoke, phone
English: Today we will be describing an image using nouns, verbs and adjectives. see the attached PDF for your work.
Maths: Today we will be focusing on the 2 times table. Watch this video which will take you though some examples and then complete the worksheet. You can write out your answers you do not need to print out your sheet. Watch this video: Spr2.2.3 - 2 times-table on Vimeo
PE: Join in with some Cosmic Yoga. Sonic The Hedgehog | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! - YouTube
PHSE - Jigsaw: Our unit this term is called ‘Dreams and Goals’. Piece 2 of our Jigsaw lesson is called, My Learning Strengths. Today you are going to learn why it’s important to persevere even when you find tasks difficult and tell me some of my strengths as a learner
Look at your goal ribbons you completed at the end of the last lesson. What steps are needed to achieve the goal, i.e. what do you need to do first, next, etc.
Look at the Ladder template on the PDF. On each rung of the ladder identify the steps you need to take in order to achieve the goal on your ribbon. Can you colour in the step/rung of the ladder which you think might be the most difficult? Fill in Jigsaw Jo’s speech bubble; what advice would Jigsaw Jo give us to help us to persevere with the most difficult step?