
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Thursday 14th January 2021

Year 4  Daily Activities            Week 2     Thursday 14th January


Today’s Activities

Today begins with English activities, followed by Maths and Science in the afternoon.


For the rest of the week, we will be focusing on grammar. We will be revising prepositions and thinking about how to include them in sentences. Please look through the Thursday Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation PDF and then complete the Thursday GPS Task PDFThere is also an extra challenge which will earn you more Dojo points!​ 


Reading Activity     

Read today’s extract. It is from a story that you have been listening to this week about Sif and her golden hair.   You may spot it has a different title. This is because the same story will often have different titles. Thursday Reading Activity ADULTS PLEASE NOTE THE ANSWERS are on the 2nd page of this activity sheet.                                                                                                                                                                                 

Writing Activity   

Today you will be imagining that you are Sif, the Viking goddess. You will be writing about how she felt about her hair before and after it was cut by Loki.  Thursday Writing                                                                                                                                                                                          


Today’s lesson is all about multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.  Watch this video link  https://vimeo.com/492463370 which explain how to do this easily and then have a go at the Maths Activity Sheet below.  Complete as many questions as you can, but please don’t worry if there are ones you are not sure of. Your adult can check your answers using the Maths Activity Answer Sheet below.


Don’t forget your daily 5-10 minutes of times tables practice, using either Purple Mash (Monster Multiplication 2Do), Times Tables Rockstar or Top Marks Hit the Button    Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)


Topic  (Science) 

In today’s lesson you will be learning about how sound is made. Read through the Science Activity Sheet below and then make a string telephone using the Science String Telephone sheet.


Have a great home learning Thursday.


Miss Goodchild,  Mrs Goldup,  Mrs Sands and Miss Pettitt
