Wednesday 13th January 2021
Home learning – Wednesday 13th January
Pair testing – using Monday’s spellings test yourself with the help of a partner. Check your words against the list for accuracy. How can you avoid repeating any errors?
Read Chapter 2 of a new story called Seeds of doom and the answer the multiple choice questions. Have a go at the ‘Challenge questions’ – see resources below.
Through the eyes of a character: One of the things I love exploring when I’m writing is what must be going on in a character’s mind. Whenever I read great portal stories, I always try to put myself into the shoes of the character, to try to imagine how they must be feeling as they discover this passageway to a new world. How must Alice have been feeling as she fell through the never-ending tunnel into Wonderland? See resources below for the main task.
Today, you are going to be looking at decimals as fractions. Click here to access the White Rose video. A PowerPoint version has also been attached below. Complete the fluency, reasoning and problem solving – see resources below.
Visit Joe Wicks’ on You tube for his Wednesday PE session.
Try some cosmic Yoga:
Washing Machine Song! | Cosmic Kids Yoga Disco! - Cosmic Kids
Our Garden of Dreams and Goals: Today you will think about the learning steps you need to take to reach the goals you set last week. You will also learn how to motivate yourself to work on these goals.