Tuesday 9th February 2021
Tuesday 09/02/21
Activity 4- Phonics fun 1
Watch Mrs Oakenfull’s Phonics lesson on Rhythm and rhyme. Complete the challenges which are as follows:
- Sing the hello song with your grown up and Mrs Fox
- Say hello to Mrs Foxes friends Polly and Holly, can you find things that rhyme with them!
- Can you sing Hickory dickory dock with Mrs Fox
- Sing the goodbye song with your grown up and Mrs Fox
Independent Tasks
Watch this rhyming song
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVophT8naUM Can you find any rhyming words with Jack?
- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/pick-a-picture Play this game for some fun! Username: Jan21 Password: home
- Play any of the games of busy-things. Literacy, communication and language, then phonics, and phase 1 sound discrimination. https://www.busythings.co.uk
Username: home8351 Password: car9212
Activity 5- Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year will be celebrated this year on Friday 12th February, it is the year of the Ox.
- Please watch the PowerPoint video of the story behind Chinese. New year.
- Can you make a mask of one of the animals in the story?
- Can you use the internet to research your favourite animal?
- Complete the cutting skills dragon.
Complete pencil control sheets.