Monday 4th January 2021
Home Learning – Monday 4th January 2021
Phonics - Practice your phonic sounds and spelling patterns by accessing the 2Do on Purple Mash (-ft, -ld, -lf).
Reading - Read Chapter 1 of Poppa Joe and the Red Racer and answer the comprehension questions. This is also set as a 2Do on Purple Mash.
English – Lesson 1 - Welcome to our new topic ‘Mighty Metals!’ We have a new and exciting book to read…The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. Today, we would like you to read the thrilling opening (up to page 5 – A few rocks tumbled with him. Then Silence). You can either access the story here or listen to the audio version ( from the beginning up to 2 minutes 36 seconds) here.
We would like you to draw a picture of the Iron Man standing at the top of the cliff. Use your inference skills and imagination to picture this scene. What do you now know? What kind of story do you think this might be? Who is the Iron Man? What do you think might happen next? Write a prediction in full sentences.
Maths - We will continue our learning on multiplication and division. Today’s work focuses on counting in steps of 3. Have a go at the flashback starter. Can you remember how to add and takeaway using the column method? Move onto the White Rose sheet, work through Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning and show your working out - see resources below.
PE - Stretch your muscles and relax your mind by going on a Cosmic Yoga adventure here.
RE - This term we will focus on the Incarnation section of the Big Frieze. We will be answering the Big Question: What is the Trinity? Take a look at the Big Frieze and note down what you can see. Use the attached template to answer this week’s learning question – What happened when Jesus was Baptised? You can watch a video about Jesus being baptised here.