
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Wednesday 20th January 2021

Year 3 Home Learning – Wednesday 20th January


We have loved looking at the work you have completed so far this week – keep up the hard work! This week’s value is Love. You can send your teacher a nomination if you have demonstrated the value at home or in school. We will award this week’s value ambassadors on Friday!  Here is an outline of the work we would like you to complete today:



Today’s spellings are taken from the Year 3 Word List (words that we should be able to spell at the end of the year). These words are a little tricky so you may want to practice them before completing the task! You could write them out in rainbow colours, write them forwards and backwards, or even in fancy writing to support your spelling. This is set as a 2Do called Y3 SPR1 WK4 – Quiz.



Read Chapter 3 of the Max and the Pirates of Puddleton Bay on Purple Mash. The harbour is full of plastic bottles and Max’s Dads café has lost its roof. How are they going to clear up the harbour before the tide comes back in? Test your understanding of Chapter 3 by accessing the 2Do Quiz.



Watch the video to talk you through today’s English lesson. Begin by listening to Chapter 3: What’s to be done with the Iron Man. You can access the audio version here or read the story here.


Hogarth sets the Iron Man free and introduces him to a scrap yard. I wonder what the Iron Man thinks of the scrap-metal yard? Use your senses to write a description of what the scrap yard looks like. What can the Iron Man see, hear, or even smell around him? Use the writing prompts on the video to help you.



Begin by working out the four challenges in the maths starter. Don’t forget to show your working out! Then move on to Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving.


Yesterday we used column method to multiply a 2-digit with a 1-digit number. Today we will continue using the column method but this time with an exchange! Use this video to take you through the learning and to help explain the process. https://vimeo.com/489849543  



Join the Body Coach Joe Wicks for another fast-paced workout! You could also go for a walk with your family or go on a bike ride!



We loved hearing about your hopes and dreams for the future! This week we would like to create a ‘Garden of Dreams and Goals’. We would like you to design a garden decoration that shows off your ambitions. This could be painted stones, painted plant pots, or even a garden gnome! Somewhere on your design, include one of your goals for the future. This might be a job aspiration or something that you would like to achieve in school. You can either use the planning template to help you design your new product or draw a labelled picture.
