Friday 22nd January 2021
Year 4 Daily Activities Week 3 Friday 22nd January
Today’s Activities
Today begins with English activities, followed by Maths and Topic (DT/Art) in the afternoon.
We are going to be practising some different spellings from the statutory word list for Years 3 and 4 today! Read 220121.year4.GPS5 for more instructions. You will be choosing from the same spelling practise cards as yesterday, but try to choose different activities to do today (220120.year4.GPS5spellingcards). Once you have practised, log onto Purple Mash to complete today's spelling quiz. It has been set as a 2Do and will appear on Friday.
Reading Activity
This week you have been reading ‘Time Freeze’ on Purple Mash. Today you will be writing a blurb about the story. Friday Reading Activity
Writing Activity
Today you will completing your newspaper report, writing the main paragraph/s and the concluding paragraph. You will need to watch this video before you begin, which will talk you through exactly what you need to do. We look forward to seeing your completed news reports on the wolf attack on Arthur’s village.
Today’s lesson is all again about Correspondence Problems. Watch this which explains how to do this a bit more and then have a go at the maths activity sheet below. Complete as many questions as you can, but please don’t worry if there are ones you are not sure of.
Don’t forget your daily 5-10 minutes of times tables practice, using either Purple Mash (Monster Multiplication 2Do), Times Tables Rockstar or Top Marks Hit the Button Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (
Topic D.T./Art
Finish making your Viking ship. Remember that you will need to attach your dragon figure head to the front of the ship. You should also have made a steering oar for the back of the ship and a sail. Individual shields, with your chosen design, should be the final items that you attach to both sides of the ship. Don’t forget to evaluate your design once you have completed the ship, thinking of what went well and what you might improve upon next time.
We cannot wait to see the photographs of your final Viking ships and possibly sharing them on our Class Story page.
Have a great home learning Friday.
Miss Goodchild, Mrs Goldup, Mrs Sands and Miss Pettitt