Thursday 21st January 2021
Home learning – Thursday 21st January
We will be revising the use of adverbs and adverbial phrases – see the resource below for more details about the activities for today.
Read Chapter 1 of ‘The time-lock adventure’ and then answer the multiple choice questions. Have a go at the ‘Challenge questions’ – see resources below.
Today we will be continuing with our new book, Journey to the River Sea. You will find resources attached below. Mrs Farnes will explain what you have to do in another video PowerPoint. The lesson will focus on exploring one of the character’s experiences.
Today, you are going to be learning how to order fractions, decimals and percentages. Click here to access the White Rose video. A PowerPoint version has also been attached below. Complete the fluency, reasoning and problem solving – see resources below.
We will be looking at fossils today. The first task involves reminding yourselves of the fossilisation process. Watch the video by clicking on the link How are fossils made? - BBC Bitesize and write down the steps of the fossilisation process. There is a resource below which will help you with the vocabulary and how to use this vocabulary in sentences.
For the second part, read through the PowerPoint slides below to discover more about Darwin and fossils. After reading, examine the similarities and differences between the fossil evidence (provided below) and its closest living relative.