Wednesday 6th January 2021
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Session 1 – Phonics - Practice makes Perfect!
Use the phase 2 phoneme cards we sent home in term 2 or write these sounds onto small squares of paper: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, l, ll, f, ff, ss and phase 3 j, v and w. Now add x and y.
Watch the video on Tapestry and join in with all the phonemes. Let’s segment and blend some more cvc words.
Session 2 – English
Watch the video clip of Mrs Holmes reading a little more of Owl Babies and writing a letter to Owl Mother .
Activity: Can you write a letter to Owl Mother? What will you add in your letter? Remember to use your phonics to help with your writing.
Session 3 - Maths - Days of the week
Watch the video of Mrs Leigh reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (On Tapestry) What days do we normally go to school? What do you do at the weekend? Do you go to any clubs? What days of the week do you go?
Activity - Draw a picture of things you do on each day of the week or keep a diary this week of the things you do each day. Can you use your phonic sounds to label your picture?
Session 4- Topic
Some animals like to come out at night time. Do you know of any animals that come out during the night? Have a look at the Nocturnal PowerPoint and see the different animals that come out at night time.
Activity - Sort the pictures into nocturnal and not nocturnal. If you are unable to print the activity, then discuss it and ask your child to draw 2 nocturnal animals and 2 that are not nocturnal. See attachment below for Powerpoint and activity sheet
Extra fun!
Days of the week - Adam's Family (Dr. Jean) - YouTube Can you sing the days of the week song? Can you order the days of the week? Upload a video of your child joining in!
Letter Formation - Watch the video to recap the correct cursive formations. Remember every lowercase letter starts at the bottom. Mrs Holmes has to say how she forms each letter out loud and she has to really concentrate when practicing cursive letter formations.
Story time
Today’s story is The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and read by Mrs Leigh as part of our math’s learning. Don’t forget to make a list or take a photo of all the stories you read together with Mummy or Daddy. How many stories can you share? |