
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Friday 29th January 2021

Year 4  Daily Activities            Week 4       Friday 29th January


Today’s Activities

Today begins with English activities, followed by Maths and Topic (French)) in the afternoon.



Today we are going to continue learning how to spell the statutory Years 3 and 4 spelling words. You all did fantastically well with the spelling quizzes last week, well done! You have six new words to practise Friday GPS Activity  using the spelling activity cards (Friday GPS Spelling Cards) and then there will be a spelling quiz for you to complete on Purple Mash. Good luck!      


Reading ActivityPurple Mash 2Do  Read Chapter 3 of ‘The Last Selkie’   and then answer Chp.3 Quiz questions


Writing Activity

Today you will be using the plans that you wrote on Wednesday to write the climax paragraph to your own chapter about Arthur’s journey across the monster infested sea to the Norse World. Watch the step by step Video PPt which goes through what to do and provides a modelled example. Remember to use the plan that you wrote on Wednesday!  After you finish writing your climax, draw an illustration which shows Arthur battling the sea monster that you choose.                                                             


Today’s lesson is all again about a summary of area. Watch this which explains how to do this a bit more and then have a go at the area dice gameA game for 2 or 3 players. More information about how to play is found below.

Don’t forget your daily 5-10 minutes of times tables practice, using either Purple Mash (Monster Multiplication 2Do), Times Tables Rockstar or Top Marks Hit the Button    Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)


Topic  (French)


Bonjour!  Today we are going to be revising greetings in French.  Watch this Supermovers video: to see some famous footballing faces explain how to respond to the greeting ‘ça va?’. 


Then complete the French Activity Sheet Ca Va?  and fill in the speech bubbles to show how you imagine each character might be feeling, then draw some faces of your own and explain how they feel too!  Don’t’ forget to copy the spelling and accents carefully. 


Have a great home learning  Friday.


Miss Goodchild,  Mrs Goldup,  Mrs Sands and Miss Pettitt
