
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Friday 5th February 2021

Home Learning 5th February 2021


Session 1 - Phonics

We are going to continue learning Phase 3 sounds which are all digraphs, two letters making one sound or a trigraph, three letters making one sound. Mrs Holmes is back with a video to help you segment and blend to build words using the ‘igh’ trigraph and ‘oa’ digraph. We are going to be adding sound buttons to help you today. Join in to show your teachers how clever you are.


Session 2 – English

Wow! Astrid’s Mum is an astronaut! Watch the video of Mrs Holmes discussing this and if there are any questions we could ask Astrid’s mum. We have learned some information about astronauts haven’t we? Is there anything you would like to ask Astrid’s Mum about being an astronaut? How long she is away for? How long it takes to get to space? What she eats? Does she sleep standing up in a sleeping bag with no pillow?


Write down 2 or three questions you would like to ask Astrid’s Mum. Remember to use the phonics chart to help with your sounds and formations and remember the question mark at the end of a question.


Session 3 -  Maths - Adding more

What did we notice yesterday about where the counter was for the person with the most dots on their two dice?



Use the number track to play a game. Take it in turns to roll 2 dice. Move your counter along the number track that many times. When it is your next turn continue to move from your previous place. Who can get to number 10 first?



How could you make it number 10 on your first roll of the dice?


Session 4- Pshe

Continuing from the discussion you had on Friday in English about what you would like to do when you are grown up. What job would you like to do when you are a grown up? What do you need to do now to be able to do the job you want? What might you need to learn to do the job you want to do? See attached PowerPoint


Session 5 Letter Formation

Log on  www.letter-join.co.uk





Today we are practising easy words using the letters u, w and e. Once you log-in to letter-join please click the ‘easy words’ . This will model how to write we, wet, wilt and lute and your child can practise.


Extra Fun Golden Time

Play your favourite game or take part in your favourite activity! We cannot wait to see what you choose!


Story time

Today’s story is read by Mrs  Johnson-Oakenfull

