Monday 18th January 2021
Home learning – Monday 18th January
Practise spellings: Week 3 – 1. official, 2. commercial, 3. glacial, 4. special, 5. facial, 6. partial, 7. confidential, 8. essential, 9. influential, 10. substantial.
Review and practise 6 words form the Year 5 & 6 statutory spelling list.
Read Chapter 5 of Seeds of doom and the answer the multiple choice questions. Have a go at the ‘Challenge questions’ – see resources below.
Research: What do you know about the Amazon and Brazilian rainforest? Before we dive into our next book, we need some background information. Follow the steps and guidance on the PowerPoint below to begin finding out more and recording your learning. Note taking templates are also available for you to use if you need them. Remember to only record key words and not whole sentences – they must be your own words and not someone else’s.
Today, you are going to be learning to understand percentages. Click here to access the White Rose video. A PowerPoint version has also been attached below. Complete the fluency, reasoning and problem solving questions – see resources below.
This week we are thinking about the question: Why do Christians pray? For Christians prayer is an opportunity to build a relationship with God through spoken, silent and reflective conversations with God. Jesus gave his followers some very clear instructions about how to pray and what to pray for. Follow the discussion questions, read the various prayers and watch the videos in order to help you answer today’s question – see resources below.
Hockey masterclass with Team Theme 🏑 PE from Home - Hockey Masterclass 🏑 - YouTube
and/or PE with Joe Wicks available on You tube.