Friday 5th February 2021
Year 3 Home Learning – Friday 5th February
Welcome to Friday’s blog! A big thank you and well done for all the home learning completed this week. We are so proud of you!
Here is an outline of the work we would like you to complete today:
Today we are learning to spell words that end with -sion, for example television, division, and confusion. These are tricky spellings! You may want to practice first by watching this video or using your spelling strategies to help you. This is set as a 2Do on Purple Mash called Y3 SPR1 WK5-Quiz.
You can also practice your phonics knowledge by using Phonics Hero has fun and interactive games that build reading and spelling skills gradually and teaches the 44 different sounds. If your login is not in your child’s contact book, please message your teacher for the login details!
Read Chapter 6 and 7 of Animal Boy. I wonder how the story will end. Test your understanding of the story by completing the quiz for each chapter. This is also set as a 2Do on Purple Mash.
After all of your hard work reading the Iron Man, today we would like you to enjoy watching the Iron Man film! Yesterday you wrote notes comparing the book to the movie. Today we would like you to use your notes to write sentences that compare the beginning, middle and end. How are they similar or different? Watch the video to explain the learning in more detail. Use this link to finish reading the Iron Man if you haven’t already!
Begin by working out the four challenges in the maths starter. Don’t forget to show your working out! Then move on to Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving.
Today we are learning to give change. Watch the video to teach you different strategies on how to solve this challenge. Use your knowledge of addition and subtraction over the last couple of days to support your learning. You may want to convert pounds into pennies to help you.
Imagine… you wake up, and all the metal in the world has vanished! Write a short story/paragraph about your day. How is everyday life different without metal? How does it change your daily routine?