Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Home learning – Tuesday 23rd February
Today involves revising some more of the Year 5 and 6 statutory spellings. Your spelling words for today are: signature, sincere, soldier, stomach and sufficient. Complete the activities in the spelling resource which can be found at the end of this page.
Read chapter 2 of the Dark castle mystery. Answer the multiple choice and open-ended questions.
Today you will be reading chapter 1 and 2 for the first time. You will need to summarise each chapter by picking out the key events. Watch the video presentation where you will be given examples of how you can present your summaries as well as question prompts to help you find the key events from each chapter. Remember that you can listen to the chapters being read to you by clicking on this link. Copies of each chapter can also be found at the bottom of this page.
What is volume? Today you are going to learn about volume. Click here: https://vimeo.com/508507370 to access the White Rose video. A PowerPoint version has been attached below. Complete the fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions provided – see resources below.
Today we will be researching an important question, who were the Victorians? To begin, click on the link History KS2: The Victorians - BBC Teach and explore the links/videos on the website. For more research, see the PDF below called ‘Timeline picture cards’.
Activity one: Using the link and the PDF file, research and write down interesting facts about the Victorians. Remember to include the dates of events, as this will be useful for the next activity. Are there any additional facts that are interesting?
Activity two: Using your research notes, you need to create an information collage/timeline. This can be presented in any way, whether it is digital or paper-based, as long it is in chronological (time) order. Extra Dojos for those who include pictures and/or colour! An example could be the timelines we use in class, a simple line, with key events listed. See below: